Maritime Safety Toggle Search Account Checkout Cart HOME FRONTLINE EQUIPMENT CLEANERS EQUIPMENT STORAGE FIRST AID HAND TOOLS LIGHTING PPE BOOTS GLOVES HELMETS HOODS PERSONAL GEAR RESPIRATORY TURNOUT GEAR TURNOUT GEAR DRYERS RESCUE THERMAL IMAGING VENTILATION SUPPRESSION FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOAM & HARDWARE HOSE & HARDWARE NOZZLES PUMPS SKID UNITS TANKS SERVICES EXTINGUISHERS & SYSTEMS RESOURCES CONTACT US LINKS Search site Submit search Nav Menu 2 Nav Menu 3 Nav Menu 4 Nav Menu 5 Nav Menu 6 Nav Menu 7 Nav Menu 8 Home > SUPPRESSION > HOSE & HARDWARE > KOCHEK ST2 STORZ DRY LUBRICANT Product Code: KCK-ST2STORZDRYLUBRICANT CALL FOR PRICING Description The Kochek ST2 Storz Dry Lubricant eases the connection of both Stoz and threaded parts. The lubricant applies wet, yet maintains it's lubricity when dry, preventing the attraction of dirt and debris. Environmentally friendly containing NO grease. Features Eases the connection of both Storz and threaded partsMaintains it's lubricity when dry, preventing the attraction of dirt and debrisEnvironmentally friendly containing NO grease Related Products... NATIONAL FIRE MYTI-FLO NON-WEEPING HOSE NATIONAL FIRE POLYFOREST NON-WEEPING HOSE KOCHEK CAPS & PLUGS NATIONAL FIRE FIREBOSS NON-WEEPING HOSE Add Add Add Add KOCHEK RC RUBBER COVERED LDH SUPPLY HOSE KOCHEK SPANNERS & WRENCHES KOCHEK PVC SUCTION HOSE - STORZ FOLDING LONG HANDLE ARMTEX� ATTACK� LIGHTWEIGHT ALL-POLYESTER DOUBLE JACKET RUBBER LINED FIRE HOSE Add Add Add Add Browse for more products in the same category as this item: SUPPRESSION > HOSE & HARDWARE